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PsManager® is a software application for Warehouse Retail Sales Management – offering an integrated Warehouse Management System and a Retail Sales Point. It runs on an ordinary Windows PC with a receipt printer.

It can be used in supermarkets, health facilities, cash and carry, boutiques, and warehouses of any type of retail establishment (e.g.  medicines & supplies, motor spares, laboratory supplies, groceries, stationary, beverages e.t.c.).

Using the PsManager® system makes the transaction less human effort. It is also accurate to the retailed price listed and it minimizes the encoding of personnel in the inventory.

The system is customizable and allows addition and/or development of project specific software modules.


  • Analyze sales data, figure out how well all the items on your shelves sell, and adjust purchasing levels accordingly.
  • Maintain a sales history to help adjust your buying decisions for seasonal purchasing trends. 
  • Improve pricing accuracy by integrating bar-code scanners.

This Software Solution features Stores Inventory Management and Purchasing features such as Purchase Orders, Receiving, Invoicing, Transfers, Stock-take, and Reporting modules.

You can also actively manage your Vendors:

  • Vendor Management Module

    History of Transactions made within a time-period.

    Completed Orders

  • Outstanding Orders
  • Monetary Costs associated with each Purchase.
  • Returns made within a time-period

Payments to and fro your company (Receivables, Payables) can be easily captured and reconciled within the PsManager® :

Receivables Entry

The summarized PsManager® module can be downloaded from here!.

Contact us for a full Proposal Quote.

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