Data Services

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Data Services

Data is a valuable corporate resource; it has a real, measurable value. It is the foundation of decision-making.
Our team of experts can help transform your Organizational Data needs into meaningful and systematic use.

We can build electronic database systems of most kinds (MS-SQL, mySQL, Oracle, MangoDB, Postgress – to name  a few) that can talk to your business needs. Whether you need to Capture, Store, Analyze and/or Secure your Data: we are there for you.

We can merge files from several databases, extracts, filters, and summarize the data without loss of integrity and without interference, and present it in an easy to use format for you.

Our Database Management Software Products include:

  • SQL Server (SSDT)
  • Fieldbook
  • Zoho Creator
  • mySQL
  • AmazonDB

Using Business Intelligence (BI) techniques, we also help Companies analyze data from different perspectives and summarize it into useful information (information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both) in a process called ‘Data Mining’. Our Analytical tools and expertise is in:

  • STATA – a general-purpose statistical software package commonly used in research, especially in the fields of economics, sociology, political science, biomedicine and epidemiology.
    STATA® s capabilities include data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, regression, and custom programming.
  • Power BI® – a free, Microsoft, self-service business intelligence cloud service that provides non-technical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data.
  • SPSS  (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) – a generic, quite comprehensive analysis software, comprising descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric analysis functionality.
  • R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing) – a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. It is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis.
  • Tableau – this is the best tool when it comes to Data Visualization. It helps anyone see and understand their data; it can be connected to almost any database; allows drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.   When compared to PowerBI, Tableau has more flexible deployment options  – with both on-premises and cloud options –  whereas Power BI is available only as SaaS model and focusing on predictive modeling and reporting.

We generally cover the full spectrum of activities involved in handling
data, including:

  • data policy development
  • documentation, metadata compilation and maintenance
  • data quality, standardization, harmonization and audit
  • access and dissemination
  • data security.

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